To qualify as being referenced to this Field Verified status, the Marine Breakaway Coupling (MBC) and its manufacturer must satisfy all of the following requirements.
1. 20-year period of MBC in-field Passive and Active State performance
The MBC type and its manufacturer must have a proven operational in-field Passive and Active State performance record of reliability for a period of at least 20 years.
The MBC type and its manufacturer is therefore demonstrated to have delivered in-field performance within the application specification and scenario variables for which it was designed and manufactured; this includes operational purpose and MBC management (handling, installation, inspection, servicing and refurbishment procedures as provided by the manufacturer).
2. At least 40 MBC units consistently in operation for a period of at least 20 years.
The minimum operational period of 20 years for this number of commissioned units enables a critical mass of real-world information that enables the manufacturer to collate scenarios, applications, operational and environmental circumstances from which the MBC design, construction and management have evolved and been confirmed.
3. Zero spurious activation events for a period of at least 20 years.
A demonstrated in-field passive record of reliability for a period of at least 20 years. Consider reference: “The spurious MBC event frequency activation is 1 event every 28 years i.e., calendar time for MBC exposure in the hose string”. OCIMF, Information Paper Marine Breakaway Couplings 2008).
4. Active state performance on at least 20 occasions
The MBC product type (defined as same manufacturer, valve and design) must have successfully activated in Tanker breakouts on at least 20 occasions during a 20-year in-field period; including zero failure to activate on these or any other occasions.
5. MBCs designed to protect against extreme pressure surge events: additional to the above requirements
The MBC type and its same manufacturer must have successfully activated in extreme surge pressure events on at least 10 occasions; including zero spurious activation and zero failure to activate on these or any other occasions.